Remote control bucket, battery and remote control unit with any motor, pump, power supply, cable reel, stabilizer, etc. works without. It can be controlled with a remote control unit up to a distance of 100 meters.
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Product Benefits
It can be used for handling of every type of bulk cargo and it is the most efficient and economical and efficient grab type.
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Product Design
It can be attached on to the hook of any kind of crane and the handling of the load can be started.
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Remote Control Grab
It can carry and discharge all bulk loads without damage. It is a product that receives a lot of demand from customers. There is no such ...
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Product Design
Remote control grab this type of grab constitutes 75% of the total production capacity our company. More than 5.000 units have bee...
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Remote Control Grab
It is used to transport and evacuate all kinds of bulk cargo.
Its remote control works using radio frequencies.
With its remote control...
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Product Capacity
Remote control grab operates with a battery and a remote control unit, without any motor, pump, electricity supply, cable drum, ...
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